Three Types of Flour You Need to Know Before Making Various Eid Cakes

Assalamualaikum, this will be Eid soon, of course someone has already prepared the Eid cake. Whether it's buying or making your own Eid cake. One of the main ingredients in making cakes is wheat flour. Choosing the right flour really affects the results of the cakes that we make, Agan and Sista.

Wheat is flour from wheat grains that have gone through the milling process. Just before Eid like this, the demand for flour increases. Flour-based food has become a mandatory dish during Eid. Apart from chicken and ketupat opor, even in Indonesia you can find a variety of foods made from flour.

The high nutritional content, easy and practical processing, sufficient availability, and relatively affordable prices, have made wheat-based food spread rapidly to various countries.

In the past, I was a salesperson for the largest flour company in Indonesia, before I decided to resign and become independent. In this trit, I want to tell bro and you about the types of flour circulating in the Indonesian market. In general, there are three types of flour classified based on the protein content in them. What are they? Let's listen

1. Low Protein Flour

Low protein flour has a protein content of around 5% to 9%. This means that low protein flour has the lowest gluten content compared to other types of flour. Low protein flour is used to make dough that does not require a chewy and elastic texture.

So it is very suitable for use as ingredients for various pastries, biscuits, fried foods, muffins and several types of cakes. Agan and Sista, low protein flours on the market include the following:

1. Blue Key

2. Red Badge

3. Umbrella

4. Lake

2. Medium Protein Flour

This type of flour is the most abundant and easy for us to find, Agan and Sista. Medium protein flour has a protein content of 9.5% to 11%. This flour is commonly called all-purpose flour, because it can be used for various purposes.

Medium protein flour is suitable for dough with a soft and fluffy texture such as wet cakes, martabak, pancakes, fried foods, steamed cakes, etc.

Because it is flexible, it can be used as a substitute for low protein flour for pastries. Medium protein flour on the market that I know is like:

1. Blue Triangle

2. Gold Rope

3. Dahlia

4. Compass

5. Mila, etc.

3. High Protein Flour

High protein flour has a protein content of 11.5% to 14%, which means that this flour has the highest gluten content. High protein flour is used for dough that needs a chewy and elastic texture. This flour is usually used for foods that process using yeast such as bread or donuts.

Apart from that, this flour can also be used to make noodles, pasta, etc. High protein flour that you and you can find on the market are such as:

1. Twin Chakras

2. The Golden Twin Chakra

3. Komachi

4. Special Gold Rope

5. Golden Crown

6. Golden Eagle,dll

Actually there are other types of wheat flour, but the ones that are most often found and used in general are only three types, Mas Gan and Mbak Sist. Besides being used for various breads, noodles, and fried foods, wheat flour is also used to make fried chicken. Agan and Sista can use medium protein flour, but if you want better results and crispy fried chicken, then use high protein flour.

Indeed, the price of flour in the past few months has increased regularly, surely Agan and Sista already know the answer, right? Yups, that is true because wheat as the basic ingredient of flour still depends entirely on imports. Hence the dollar exchange rate greatly affects the price of flour in the market.

Alright, thank you Agan and Sista for listening to the end. Congratulations on creating and making bread or cakes for Eid! Buying is really practical, but making it yourself has more satisfaction. Remember, Agan and Sista, choosing the right flour is very influential in making various breads, cakes and other Eid dishes. Wassalam. 


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